Friday, March 30, 2007

Photos from Flag Tour 2007

If you'd like to see all the photos from the tour you can check them out here.

Alameda County Fair 2006

I enjoy going to the fair to checkout the BBQ type gear and to see the animals and stuff. We went last year and it was great fun. Hoping we make it out again this year. Check out some photos from 2006. Unfortunately, with the theme we're using this doesn't fit so well by default so I hacked the HTML :).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Binary Wedding Bands

Ah ha! These will be the wedding bands when we renew our vows at our alien wedding a la CSI.

Waaaay kewl.

Available at greenKarat

Flag Golf Tour 2007

Check out some pics of our Golf Tour this year.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Getting a hang of the cone

P1030347, originally uploaded by oheso.

Little Cat, Big Plastic Collar

We had a furkid emergency yesterday -- Perl got into a fight and came home (!!) with a large cut in her groin area and the interior of her left leg completely covered in a "road rash" scrape.

We're thankful she came home or else we wouldn't have known. She's home resting and enduring the drainage tube, meds (antibiotics, painkillers, drainage tube cleaner and hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound), and trying to navigate with the cone.

Java & Sarabi are consumed with curiosity, so we're playing referee to let Perl recover in peace. More updates to come.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Potty Trained Kitty

This is too funny and yet we think we need to train the kitties how to do this.

WARNING: Not to be viewed by the shy or easily embarassed.